Decentral Games Community Spotlight: TwoTone

Decentral Games TwoTone Community Spotlight

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, I’m TwoTone. I’m a Decentral Games ambassador and favor the power of creating.

My favorite types of creations are content creation, digital art, 3D modeling, and graphic designing.

TwoTone at Decentral Games ICE Poker Metaverse venue

Growing up I’ve always had a huge passion for art, gaming, and music.

In 6th grade, I once completed an art assignment for a friend who was an 11th grader in high school. His professor didn’t believe he completed the assignment himself and requested him to redraw the assignment right in front of him. Long story short, his professor knew the work was too good to be true, took off points, and left a comment on the assignment saying “not your work.”

Aside from my passion for art, I grew up an all-around athlete so I love being physically active. I’ve played organized basketball since jr. high to college. During off-seasons I enjoyed skateboarding from dawn till dusk and created many friendships at the skatepark.

Fresh out of high school, my hard work and dedication with hooping opened up a door with background acting in a Netflix series called “13 Reasons Why” where I was a basketball player on the away team. Unfortunately, a life changing injury ended my dreams to go D1 in basketball.

After realizing the man up above had a better plan for me, it led me back to my passion for art, gaming and music.   

How did you get into web3? What was your web3 “aha” moment?

I got involved in web3 when NFTs popped off during 2021.

I did my own digging and research to get a better understanding and instantly became bullish. After realizing NFTs were implemented in the Metaverse, I got involved with Decentraland, discovering its potential via social media and article sources. 

How did you find out about Decentral Games and what kept you coming back?

A few months after I discovered Decentraland, I met a delegator named IceDaddyPimp who provided an opportunity to play ICE Poker knowing I had little experience.

We became good friends and after some time we both agreed to move on from our delegation. Shortly after, I met Wes through the DG Discord. We connected on a different level and he told me “as long as you’re having fun that’s the most important part.”

That stuck with me ever since then. And the more reps I got in with Wes as my delegator, the better I became at poker.

Coming from a competitive background, Decentral Games felt like the perfect environment for me to dominate my opponents with a strategic approach. 

What’s the biggest challenge you see in web3 right now?

From my point of view, web3 faces a significant barrier in overcoming mainstream adoption due to its lack of accessibility and user friendliness.

Although the potential of technology is exciting, several hurdles need to be achieved to make it more accessible to the general public.

Who is someone in web3 you find inspiring and why?

It’s tough to pinpoint a single individual knowing a solid list of creators and builders are still grinding for the long run.

One of the first that comes to mind is TangPoko, a Metaverse dream girl who consistently elevates web3 content through Decentraland, social media, and collaborations.

NikkiFuego, founder of Vroomway, fabricates unique skin wearables in digital fashion.

Doctordripp, a Metaverse fashion designer who delivers heavy versatility as a web3 builder.

Iceyyy, a web3 gaming content creator with insightful takes on the latest web3 games in every direction.

The list goes on! 

Are you working on any projects in web3? If so, tell us about what you’re working on.

As phygital products are on the rise, it’s with great pleasure to share that I’m working on a small branded product of my own for the community to enjoy IRL and digitally.

Where can people learn more about you and what you’re doing?

You can follow me on socials:

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