Introducing CAKE Rewards For The $DG-BNB Pool On PancakeSwap


We’re excited to announce we’ve partnered with PancakeSwap to bring CAKE rewards to the $DG-BNB PancakeSwap pool. Starting at 9am UTC on June 21st, $DG hodlers will be able to stake $DG and BNB to earn CAKE rewards. You can find the pool here.

Over 50,000 CAKE (Over $750k USD) has been allocated to the pool and is available to be farmed over the next two months; additionally, 2,333 $DG (~$400k USD) is available as rewards to CAKE Syrup Pool stakers over the same time period!

Why PancakeSwap? 

PancakeSwap is the number one Dapp by volume and daily active users (DAUs) according to DappRadar. As an addition to the existing $DG liquidity pools on UniSwap v2SushiSwap, and QuickSwap (which earn rewards in $DG, SUSHI, and QUICK, respectively), our new PancakeSwap pool is another way hodlers can earn yield on their $DG and a great way to introduce $DG to the BSC community. 

How to Get Started

The $DG-BNB PancakeSwap pool can be found here. To provide liquidity in the pool, you must move $DG over to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), pair it with BNB, and stake your tokens in the pool. 

You can buy BNB and $DG directly on PancakeSwap, but, if you have funds you would like to stake that are currently on the Ethereum Mainnet, you’ll need to do the following: 

  • In order to transfer most tokens (e.g. BNB, ETH) use Binance Bridge to transfer funds to BSC. 
  • In order to bridge $DG from Ethereum Mainnet to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), you’ll need to first move $DG from Ethereum Mainnet to xDAI and then from xDAI to BSC. You can complete both steps using OmniBridge

Happy Farming! 


Please beware of fake contracts impersonating $DG on BSC. This is the official $DG token contract address on Binance Smart Chain.

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