Uniswap liquidity incentives are live!

Over the last three weeks, we’ve welcomed over $5.6m USD in liquidity between the MANA-DG and DAI-DG balancer pools, yet the majority of $DG trading volume has come from the ETH-DG Uniswap pair.

The purpose of the liquidity incentives was to supply adequate liquidity to enable healthy $DG trading. In order to enable greater volume, we are allocating $DG liquidity rewards for the DG-ETH Uniswap pool. The rewards for the ETH-DG Uniswap V2 pool will start at 300 DG per week, and will be financed from the $DG ecosystem allocation.

ETH-DG Uniswap Pair

The ETH-DG Uniswap pair is accessible here. Once you’ve supplied ETH-DG liquidity and receive UNI-V2 tokens, you may stake them on our Uniswap liquidity provision dashboard here to start earning $DG liquidity rewards: 

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